Thursday, August 13, 2015


We had a family picture taken yesterday.  11 kids and 2 adults....I wasn't expecting perfection.  I was just hoping no one was crying.  We all gathered up on the roof of the house, after all the view is breathtaking.  We cried about who was going to hold who, who was going to sit in the chairs, and who was going to stand by each other.  Meanwhile I am sweating bullets and trying to keep the little ones from getting to close to the edge.  I bribed...suckers always work and sweet, patient, Abby started taking pictures.  I just wanted one picture where the majority was looking.  This was the best one!!

This my friends is my family.  These 11 little people call me mom or "Aunt Sarah"  As I look at this picture it speaks volumes to me.  Life in the Grace House is far from perfect.  There is often many tears that are shed on any given day by any one of these sweet faces, including mine.  We are far from perfect.  We loose our patience and we always don't show love how God would want us to. But there is beauty in this picture.  There is beauty in the broken and the messy.  By God's grace He is taking what is broken and turning it into something beautiful.  He is transforming our lives.  He is teaching us to love deeply, to love the broken and the messy.  He is teaching us that He is the one that can only satisfy.  This has been one of the hardest things I have ever done but I am thankful God called my family to serve in the Grace House.  I am so very thankful for the sweet moments we share.  I love watching my boys play with P & E on the tramp.  I love watching Hannah & L with matching hair walk hand in hand down the path to our house.  I love to see the older kids climbing guava trees together.  I love watching Megan and sweet little C together.  Daily we are learning to extend grace to one another.  God is working in this home and I am blessed to live in this place.  Even in the struggles God is faithful.

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise