Wednesday, December 31, 2014


2015 is a big year for our family.  Way back in August when we were officially asked to serve at COTP I kept saying that I would think about our move after Christmas.  Well, Christmas has passed and here we are at the eve of 2015.  On top of that we are packing up to leave for our trip to Haiti. That last few days have been filled with many emotions.  I have been looking forward to this trip for a long time but I have to admit that I am terrified.  My stomach is in knots.  I am confident that God has called us to this place but when I stop and think about how everything I know as normal will be completely different its a bit terrifying.  My prayer is that this trip will be affirming and that God will fill my heart with peace and excitement as we look forward to our move in June.

As I reflect on 2014 I see God's hand in so many things.  He has provided for us and made very clear His plans for us.  He is working in our hearts and the hearts of our kids to prepare us for Haiti.  God is a promise keeper and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that He loves me and my family and He will never leave or forsake us.  As I look forward to 2015, I look forward to seeing how God will continue to work as we live our last 5 months in Michigan and prepare us for the big move.

So, yes I am scared and nervous - just keeping it real for everyone!!  But I rest in God and cling to His words.  "For I know that plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Please pray for us in the next week.  Pray specifically for our boys.  Both are nervous to fly and I am not fond of it either! Pray for health and safety and for our girls at home too. Pray for the many caregivers that will be taking care of them.  Pray that this trip is exactly what I need it to be!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I love the month of December! I love the Christmas season, I love listening to Christmas music, I love the decorations, I love spending time with family, and most of all I love Jesus and celebrating His birth because without Him I am nothing!

December is also pretty important to our family.  Two years ago we brought Hannah home from Ethiopia.  On December 7, 2012 we officially became a family of 7.  Its amazing how she has changed in the the last 2 years.  She came home a sweet 7 month old and is now a confident 2 year old who brings us so much joy, laughter and even a little frustration.  She is a charmer and her eyes and smile will get you every time.  She definitely knows how to make you smile.  I just love that girl and so thankful that God in His perfect plan placed her in our family.

Sweet and spunky little Addison turns 5 on the 14th! How can that be?  She is going to Young 5's and loving it.  She is our social butterfly always meeting new friends.  She loves to sing, dance, and do gymnastics in our living room.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!

My wonderful builder of a husband is pretty excited too.  He is building a home for a pretty awesome family.  It is going to be one of the last things he does before we leave for Haiti.  I love how God provided this opportunity for him and just the right time.

Many of you know that this year we moved our kids to Zeeland Christian.  We loved Boruclo Christian school and really struggled with what to do, but Zeeland Christian offers a School/Home Collabrative, so the older three kids go to school 3 days a week and are home 2 days.  We are learning a little bit about school at home and the kids are learning a lot about working together(they are all three in the same classroom).  It has had its challenges but overall the experience has been good.   Megan came home the other day and was telling me about what they learned in Bible.  It was about trusting God even when we aren't sure about the outcome.  She expressed that she was not super impressed to have to leave a school and friends she really loved but she trusted God that He would be with her and take care of her.  She said its just like with Haiti, we don't know what its going to be like and its sometimes scary to think about but God will always be with us.  I love my children's simple faith and I am so thankful for the teachers that are speaking and teaching truth to their hearts.

In this season of waiting God is teaching me so many things.  I am learning more and more each day  who I am as a wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter, and a sister.  He is revealing to me daily the areas I need to work on.  I am so thankful for His deep love for me and His grace.  I am so thankful He uses a broken person like me to do His work.  I am grateful for the people he has placed in our life that pray for us and encourage us.  I am daily reminded of His goodness and confirmation that we are walking in obedience.

In 3 weeks we leave for Haiti with the boys.  Please pray for our trip.  Please pray for the boys.  They are excited and scared.  Neither one has flown before so that will be an adventure, we are hoping for smooth flights. Pray for their hearts as the experience and see first hand the place we will call home.  We are excited to be back there again and are thankful we will have this time with the boys.  Not to mention we get to spend some time with some really amazing people.

Blessings this Christmas season.  Thank you to all who pray for us and support us.  We love you and are so thankful for you.