Saturday, June 20, 2015

2 weeks

We have been in Haiti for 2 weeks.  In some ways it feels like we just arrived and in other ways it feels like we have always been here.  We are slowly adjusting to our new normal.  It has been a challenge and with 7 of us we all experience different emotions at different times.

We are thankful for our cozy apartment.  It has 2 bedrooms and a living space with a small kitchen and bathroom.  It is small but it is nice to have our own space.  We are learning about cooking and with a limited amount of food it has been difficult.  Kevin took a trip to the DR last week and was able to buy chicken and beef and other staples.  I went to the market by moto one day and was able to get some produce.  We are still trying to figure it all out so in the mean time we eat a lot of mac and cheese and spaghetti.  Meal time requires a lot of time.  You have to prepare the food and then dishes.  With no dishwasher we do a lot of dishes in one day.  Everything takes time.  I have learned that living in Haiti you move at a much slower pace.  Something that is hard for me to get used to.  Laundry too is a big job.  I am thankful for a wash machine but then you hang it all out to dry.  You don't want to wait a week to do laundry.  It is something that you need to stay on top of.

The kids are having fun with all their new friends.  Their days are spend playing with the international staff and time with the Haitian kids too.  Megan and Braden have attended creole class with some of the other staff in town.  I am praying that they soon pick it up.  I am trying and the Haitian's are so patient but I am hoping in will come easy to me soon.

We have gone on a few outings.  The first days I was here I took a moto taxi with a friend into town to go to the Market.  What a way to ride into town!  It was a lot of fun and it's the best way to experience the beauty of the country.   We celebrated Braden's birthday.  That involves cake and singing with all the international staff.  Lots of fun and we even pulled off a surprise.  We went to the beach.  I love the beach!  It is beautiful and relaxing to get a way.

We also visited a school.  Before we left for Haiti we were told about a school about 25mins from COTP.  I never knew that was an option.  We were going to homeschool our kids and honestly the task seemed daunting and some of my kids really weren't liking that idea.  Well, God opened a door for us.  Cowman School is a private, international school.  Its made up of english speaking Haitians and missionary kids.  There is about 115 students in the school preschool-9th grade.  Christ is the center of the school and is similar to a Christian school back in the states.  I had been in communication with the administrator for a few months before leaving and then we visited.  We are all very excited about it.  The kids love the idea and I am thankful I won't have the stress of teaching the kids at home.  It will be good for them to have the routine of school and be able to get off campus and meet new kids.  Please pray for them as they are excited but it is scary to think about going to a new school and meeting new friends, especially in a new country.  There are a few families at COTP that are considering this option too, so that would be really nice to have them go too.

We are starting to prepare for our move into the Grace House.  Please pray for this transition.  It will be about a week yet but pray for the Grace House kids as they said goodbye to the family they loved deeply.  They know we are coming and we spend a lot of time with them.  Please pray that they will respond well to us.  Pray too that I will start picking up on creole so I am able to communicate with the nannies.

So the big question is "How are we doing?"  It all honesty it is different everyday.  Megan and myself have struggled the most.  The reality that our life is so different here than our life in Haiti.  I feel like I am going through a grieving process.  I miss the busyness of life in Michigan, being able to go where I want.  I miss our church family, our families, friends, and all the fun things we do.  I miss going to Meijer's to get my groceries.  But in my sadness God is teaching me too.  I am trying hard to embrace this season he has me in.  I am learning He is my only source of comfort and that is plan and His ways are perfect and I simply need to trust Him and focus simply on the day before me.  Its hard when you are sad and then to see your kids struggle too.  Megan cries a lot at night.  Can you join me in praying for her and her precious heart.

My heart is also burdened for all the Haitian kids who live at COTP.  Please pray for families for these precious kids.  EVERY. SINGLE. Child deserves a home and to be loved.  This place is full of children who need to be in a family.  Pray that our family can be Jesus to these kids.  I am so thankful that I get to be a part of the work that COTP does.  All the staff cares deeply for each child and has their best interest in mind.  They work so hard to love on each one and to meet all physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Spend some time thanking God for your kids.  I know that somedays its hard being a parent but we are so blessed to be able to have our kids in our life.  We never have to doubt if we can care or provide for them.  So many Haitian parents can't provide for them.  It is such a hard and deeply sad reality.

Well, this post is long enough but I did want to share some pictures from the last few weeks.  Thank you for all your prayers.  We deeply appreciate them.

Megan and Heidi made Braden's cake.

His new bike! HHelove having this.

Keagan and J  He is in the Grace House.  This was at his 3rd Birthday Party

Kevin and F, he is also in the Grace House.

Megan and Heidi

Hold on tight E, Addison is driving.

Our family, the Willis' family, and the Grace House kids.

My friend Amy introduced me to the art of making homemade donuts.  I ate way to many!

Hannah and "Juice"

Hannah is loving getting her hair done.  I am too,  then  I don't have to do it.

Haiti style riding.

Who would have thought, Kayaking in Haiti.

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise