Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hope for Kids

"COTP is all about providing hope, but not just the idea of hope, the reality of hope."

Each day Kevin and I are pouring hope into the lives of the kids that are in our care.  It is our desire that right now these kids will feel safe, valued, and loved.  Our prayer is that they will experience the love of Jesus in a real way as we interact and care for them each day.  We are thankful for the JOY that we have as we are Christ's hands and feet as we serve at Children of the Promise.

Will you join us in providing hope for the children at COTP?  Will you join us in supporting hope for a future of kids that Christ cares for deeply?  Will you prayerfully consider how you can come alongside us as we care for these precious kids.

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


We had a family picture taken yesterday.  11 kids and 2 adults....I wasn't expecting perfection.  I was just hoping no one was crying.  We all gathered up on the roof of the house, after all the view is breathtaking.  We cried about who was going to hold who, who was going to sit in the chairs, and who was going to stand by each other.  Meanwhile I am sweating bullets and trying to keep the little ones from getting to close to the edge.  I bribed...suckers always work and sweet, patient, Abby started taking pictures.  I just wanted one picture where the majority was looking.  This was the best one!!

This my friends is my family.  These 11 little people call me mom or "Aunt Sarah"  As I look at this picture it speaks volumes to me.  Life in the Grace House is far from perfect.  There is often many tears that are shed on any given day by any one of these sweet faces, including mine.  We are far from perfect.  We loose our patience and we always don't show love how God would want us to. But there is beauty in this picture.  There is beauty in the broken and the messy.  By God's grace He is taking what is broken and turning it into something beautiful.  He is transforming our lives.  He is teaching us to love deeply, to love the broken and the messy.  He is teaching us that He is the one that can only satisfy.  This has been one of the hardest things I have ever done but I am thankful God called my family to serve in the Grace House.  I am so very thankful for the sweet moments we share.  I love watching my boys play with P & E on the tramp.  I love watching Hannah & L with matching hair walk hand in hand down the path to our house.  I love to see the older kids climbing guava trees together.  I love watching Megan and sweet little C together.  Daily we are learning to extend grace to one another.  God is working in this home and I am blessed to live in this place.  Even in the struggles God is faithful.

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Grace House

Well friends, I have been quiet on this blog for a while so I think its time to give a little update.  I really have no excuse why other than there has been so much to process I didn't know where to begin.

We have been living in the Grace House for a little more than 3 weeks.  I can finally say that I feel like my head is above water.  There has definitely been some hard moments.  Moments when I asked God "why" he choose us for this task and ministry.  Moments when I wanted to go back "home" to Michigan and enjoy the many summer activities we miss deeply and see all the friends and family we love and miss.  I spent many moments crying as I grieved my normal and comfortable routine.  The quiet of my home and only having 5 kids that need me, not 10. Crying because we got robbed and lost so many things that were important to us.  It has been far from easy but I am learning that God doesn't want us in the easy.  He wants us to be desperate for Him.  To look only to him for strength.  To find peace and joy only in Him, not in the comfortable and easy.  He is daily refining me to be who He desires me to be.  He daily is teaching me to love these kids the way He does.  Daily He is revealing his purpose for me and my family.  The other night as I was tucking Megan in she talked to me about why we are in Haiti.  She told me that she finally realizes that we are here to be Jesus to all these little kids.  Friends, that is truth from a 10 year old.  My kids have given up a lot but my prayers is that they gain so much more by being here and being Jesus to all the children here that need the love of a family.

The container arrived last week and I think we finally have most of the totes unpacked and the house organized.  Kevin got his moto yesterday.  He is very happy to have that.  It will give him the freedom he desires and really misses.  If you can imagine being a man who has owned his own company for many years and never answering to anyone, putting 30,000 miles on his truck and having complete dependance on his cell phone and to loose all that.  Its hard, his cell phone was stolen, he has to find someone to drive him if he wants to leave and he is home full time with 10 children.  I am so very proud of him, he has handled it with a lot of grace, but he is thrilled to have a small piece of freedom.  Hopefully we are able to replace his cell phone soon.

I do have to give a shout out to my nannies.  They are incredible women and I could not do what I do without them.  They have welcomed us with open arms.  They have been so patient with our little creole and the many tears from our kids.  They mop my floors daily, do my laundry, and wash countless dishes. They are a blessing and something I feared a lot before coming but have become a joy to me and my family.

Many of you ask how are our kids are doing.  For the most part they are doing well.  We have had struggles, some have struggled more than others but each day we are seeing small victories.  Our kids will be going to Cowman Christian School in the fall.  Cowman School is run by One Mission Society and is about 25mins from COTP.  It is for American children and Haitians who speak english.  We are really excited about this opportunity for our kids.  The 4 older ones will be going along with 5 other staff members kids.  They are starting September 2 and it goes until May.  It will be great for our kids to meet other children and also us as we will meet other families outside of COTP.  They will have to have uniforms cute and my boys are thrilled about it!

Yesterday we added a new little person into the family.  Little C joined us in the Grace House.  He is a sweet little 8 month old.  Its fun to have a baby in the house again.  Hannah is convinced that he is her little baby because she says he looks just like her.

Let me introduce the Grace House kids!  When I look at these sweet faces I am struck by the immense loss that each one of these kids have faced in their very short lives.  They frustrate me and make me cry but at the end of the day each one is created in the image of God and put in our care for a specific reason.  Pray with me for their hearts and for their futures.  Pray for speedy adoptions for all kids in the process at COTP, pray for families for the special needs kids.  They are all pretty awesome and all deserve a forever family.  Pray for Kevin and I.  At some point we need to talk with these kids about their futures.  Pray that we will have wisdom and the right words and that they will feel safe and that they never will forget that they are held in the arms of their heavenly father.
C - 8 months

E - 5

F - 4 1/2

J - 3

L - almost 5(her birthday is next week)

P - 3
Would you consider sponsoring C, P, or E.?  It's expensive to house a special needs child.  Trips to the hospital, medication, and equipment are some of the major expenses.  With about half of the children in our care having special needs, this is a substantial amount of money each month.  Sponsorship is the biggest way to continue to cover this cost.  In fact, it takes about 12 individuals giving $35/month to fully cover the cost for just ONE child.  As always, it's not all about money here.  A sponsorship partnership at COTP is about prayer, advocacy, and relationship.  When choosing to sponsor a child with special needs, you begin a relationship with them.  You are saying to them, "I love you.  I will support you.  I may not be able to adopt you into my family, but I will fight for you.  I will tell people here about you and pray for you daily."  Won't you consider doing this for one of these precious children who have stretched me and my family in many ways, even after only knowing them for a short time?  For more info, email me at the 

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July

Today was the 4th of July.  It's a pretty special day....Keagan's Birthday.  What a great day it is to celebrate.  Back in Michigan we always celebrated the 4th either at the cottage or at the Johnson's or sometimes both.  We always had so much fun with friends and family.  So many great memories!  Today we celebrated with our new friends and our COTP family.  They really do it up here and next year I think I need to be a little more prepared, especially since I am not at all creative.

We had a little parade through Lagossette, even passed out candy.  Dressed in red, white, and blue and ended the night with hamburgers, hotdogs, birthday cake, even marshmallows roasted on the grill with the international staff.  No fireworks, but the kids did enjoy sparklers.

It was a good day making new memories!

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise

Saturday, June 20, 2015

2 weeks

We have been in Haiti for 2 weeks.  In some ways it feels like we just arrived and in other ways it feels like we have always been here.  We are slowly adjusting to our new normal.  It has been a challenge and with 7 of us we all experience different emotions at different times.

We are thankful for our cozy apartment.  It has 2 bedrooms and a living space with a small kitchen and bathroom.  It is small but it is nice to have our own space.  We are learning about cooking and with a limited amount of food it has been difficult.  Kevin took a trip to the DR last week and was able to buy chicken and beef and other staples.  I went to the market by moto one day and was able to get some produce.  We are still trying to figure it all out so in the mean time we eat a lot of mac and cheese and spaghetti.  Meal time requires a lot of time.  You have to prepare the food and then dishes.  With no dishwasher we do a lot of dishes in one day.  Everything takes time.  I have learned that living in Haiti you move at a much slower pace.  Something that is hard for me to get used to.  Laundry too is a big job.  I am thankful for a wash machine but then you hang it all out to dry.  You don't want to wait a week to do laundry.  It is something that you need to stay on top of.

The kids are having fun with all their new friends.  Their days are spend playing with the international staff and time with the Haitian kids too.  Megan and Braden have attended creole class with some of the other staff in town.  I am praying that they soon pick it up.  I am trying and the Haitian's are so patient but I am hoping in will come easy to me soon.

We have gone on a few outings.  The first days I was here I took a moto taxi with a friend into town to go to the Market.  What a way to ride into town!  It was a lot of fun and it's the best way to experience the beauty of the country.   We celebrated Braden's birthday.  That involves cake and singing with all the international staff.  Lots of fun and we even pulled off a surprise.  We went to the beach.  I love the beach!  It is beautiful and relaxing to get a way.

We also visited a school.  Before we left for Haiti we were told about a school about 25mins from COTP.  I never knew that was an option.  We were going to homeschool our kids and honestly the task seemed daunting and some of my kids really weren't liking that idea.  Well, God opened a door for us.  Cowman School is a private, international school.  Its made up of english speaking Haitians and missionary kids.  There is about 115 students in the school preschool-9th grade.  Christ is the center of the school and is similar to a Christian school back in the states.  I had been in communication with the administrator for a few months before leaving and then we visited.  We are all very excited about it.  The kids love the idea and I am thankful I won't have the stress of teaching the kids at home.  It will be good for them to have the routine of school and be able to get off campus and meet new kids.  Please pray for them as they are excited but it is scary to think about going to a new school and meeting new friends, especially in a new country.  There are a few families at COTP that are considering this option too, so that would be really nice to have them go too.

We are starting to prepare for our move into the Grace House.  Please pray for this transition.  It will be about a week yet but pray for the Grace House kids as they said goodbye to the family they loved deeply.  They know we are coming and we spend a lot of time with them.  Please pray that they will respond well to us.  Pray too that I will start picking up on creole so I am able to communicate with the nannies.

So the big question is "How are we doing?"  It all honesty it is different everyday.  Megan and myself have struggled the most.  The reality that our life is so different here than our life in Haiti.  I feel like I am going through a grieving process.  I miss the busyness of life in Michigan, being able to go where I want.  I miss our church family, our families, friends, and all the fun things we do.  I miss going to Meijer's to get my groceries.  But in my sadness God is teaching me too.  I am trying hard to embrace this season he has me in.  I am learning He is my only source of comfort and that is plan and His ways are perfect and I simply need to trust Him and focus simply on the day before me.  Its hard when you are sad and then to see your kids struggle too.  Megan cries a lot at night.  Can you join me in praying for her and her precious heart.

My heart is also burdened for all the Haitian kids who live at COTP.  Please pray for families for these precious kids.  EVERY. SINGLE. Child deserves a home and to be loved.  This place is full of children who need to be in a family.  Pray that our family can be Jesus to these kids.  I am so thankful that I get to be a part of the work that COTP does.  All the staff cares deeply for each child and has their best interest in mind.  They work so hard to love on each one and to meet all physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Spend some time thanking God for your kids.  I know that somedays its hard being a parent but we are so blessed to be able to have our kids in our life.  We never have to doubt if we can care or provide for them.  So many Haitian parents can't provide for them.  It is such a hard and deeply sad reality.

Well, this post is long enough but I did want to share some pictures from the last few weeks.  Thank you for all your prayers.  We deeply appreciate them.

Megan and Heidi made Braden's cake.

His new bike! HHelove having this.

Keagan and J  He is in the Grace House.  This was at his 3rd Birthday Party

Kevin and F, he is also in the Grace House.

Megan and Heidi

Hold on tight E, Addison is driving.

Our family, the Willis' family, and the Grace House kids.

My friend Amy introduced me to the art of making homemade donuts.  I ate way to many!

Hannah and "Juice"

Hannah is loving getting her hair done.  I am too,  then  I don't have to do it.

Haiti style riding.

Who would have thought, Kayaking in Haiti.

Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site.  Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise

Friday, May 29, 2015

Change is coming.

I can hardly believe that next week at this time we will be in Haiti. We have talked, prayed, and planned for this moment for many months.  God has heard our prayers and filled us with a peace and excitement that can only come from him.  We are ready to transition into our life in Haiti.

Some of you may be wondering what will happen when we get there.  We will not move right into the Grace House.  The staff at COTP has been busy getting ready a 2 bedroom apartment ready for our family.  We will live there for the first 3ish weeks.  In those weeks it is our hope that we can acclimate to Haiti before moving in and caring for the kids.  The container has not arrived in Haiti yet so we will only have what we bring down on the airplane.  We are thankful that we will have our own space.  We are prepared for some hard first weeks as we all experience different emotions and adjust to the heat and life in Haiti.

I want to thank you all for praying for us.  We can definitely feel them.  God is so faithful and good.  He has blessed us with an amazing support system.  I often say that I feel like I should be in a state of panic and fear  but I am not and it is just another way that God has provided for us and answered our prayers.

Specific prayer request:
 - Closing of our house - we were supposed to close on June 1, now it looks like it will be June 5.     Kevin's dad will need to take care of it.  Please pray that there will be no problems.
 - Our family- Say goodbye is hard and sending the ones you love to another country is even harder.  Pray that God will remove their fears and worries with only a peace that can come from him.
 - Smooth flights - flying with 5 kids will be an adventure! But in Gods great provision he provided a traveling partner.  Our friend Joel Doorlag who moved to COTP last October is coming back to MI.  He is returning to Haiti on the same flights as we are.  What a great comfort to have someone who has done this before travel along with us.
 - The Grace House - The current house parents and their kids, the nannies, and the Haitian kids.  Pray for each of their hearts as they prepare to say goodbye to each other.  It is going to be extremely difficult for each one.  They truly are a family and have grown to love each other deeply.
 - Transition/Change - its never easy.  Pray that we will keep our eyes fixed on the one who has called us.  On the hard days help us never to forget God's promises.

I love the words to this song.  I pray that whatever your circumstances and wherever God takes you that He will be enough!

I give you my life
I give you my trust
You are my God
You are enough
Jesus, Jesus

My heart is Yours
My heart is Yours
Take it all, take it all
My life in your hands
I lay down my life
I take up my cross

You are my God
Whatever the cost

All to Jesus I surrender
All to You I freely give
Oh I will ever love and trust You
In Your presence I will live

We love you all and will miss you deeply! We hope to keep you updated on our adventures and how God continues to work and move in our family.   

"God be with you until we meet again."

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Final weeks in Michigan and please pray....

June 4 is very quickly coming and we are not just talking about moving to Haiti, we are starring it straight in the face.  I don't really have much to say other than this stage is difficult.  Saying goodbye is hard.  I don't really like it and I really don't like when I can see my kids and family hurting.  There is much that needs to be done, details to take care of, people to see, things to do and stuff to pack.  Every day brings about different emotions.  We can feel completely confident and ready one day and then the next we want to run the other way.  The life we have grown to love, the family we love deeply, the friends, the church family, the normal things we do as a family, summer camping, beach nights with dear friends, school, Kevin's job, all the things that have made us feel safe and comfortable are very soon going to change and be drastically different.  I would be a liar if I told you we weren't afraid.

But one thing that I am confident in is that my God loves me and He loves my family.  He has clearly called us to serve in Haiti.  He has made a way for us to get there.  He has shown His faithfulness over and over again to our family.  He is with us when life is going just great and He is with us in our fears and life isn't want we wanted.  We daily need to adjust our vision.  We daily need to take our eyes of ourselves and place them on God and His promises to never leave us.  God wants us to be uncomfortable because its in that when we need Him the most.  This world is not going to give us true peace and joy, only complete dependence in Him. 

The verses below are read daily or even multiple times a time.  

" The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. " Det. 31:6

" Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders."  Det. 33:12

" So do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Please pray for our family these last few weeks in Michigan.  Please also pray for us and we soon will be transition into our life in Haiti.  It's not gong to be easy and it will present us with a whole new set of challenges.  Pray that through it all we will keep our eyes fixed on God cling to His word and promises.  Pray to that through it all that God receives the glory.  It is certainly not about us, but the work God is doing through us.  

Enjoy some pictures of the fun we have been having the last few weeks
I love all my turkey hunters!

Dandelion Festival fun with friends!

Megan and her favorite cousin Eva

Ready for the Dandelion Parade

Kayaking in our pond!  

Kevin going through all his business papers that he has accumulated over the years.  Very bittersweet! 

Picture with Grandpa before the Tulip Time parade.

Brotherly love

Never a dull moment when the Mokma's are around.  Fun night with our friends!

S'more time!

What a bunch of crazy kids

Birthday celebrations for Braden, Keagan and Hannah with the Grandpa and Grandma.

Frog hunting with the boy's best buddy Lukas

Megan's field trip to Lansing

Beach night! Love these kids!