Saturday, November 15, 2014

Children of the Promise: Our Story

If you are interested in learning a little more about Children of the Promise check out this video.

Life Lately.....

We still have a long time before we actually move to Haiti.  It seems like a long time, but in reality it will come fast.  Some days we wish we could go next week.  It is difficult living here and wanting to be there.  We are trusting in God's plan and His timing.  We are here for a very specific purpose.  He is growing us, preparing us and giving us the time we need to finish up things here.  He is giving us time to do this well and not be stressed and rushed.  We have been given the gift of time.  I believe God is using this time to teach us and prepare our hearts for what is coming in the future.

Not a day goes by that the place "Haiti" does not come up.  Our kids talk about it almost everyday, we pray at the dinner table for the children that will be in our care. We talk about what we are scared about and what we are excited for.  The kids are very open and talk about their fears.  I am thankful that they are able to express their feelings. We find ourselves dreaming of what it will be like and standing amazed that we really are moving our family to Haiti.  A place that God so clearly opened doors for us to go.  Haiti fills us with much joy and excitement and also fear and the reality that it will be both very good and very hard too. 

This week we had our first snow fall. With that comes much excitement from our kids.  For mom, crazy chaos as I search for all our winter gear in hopes that it fits.  Thankfully it did and they were off to school.  As I watched them play in the snow I couldn't help but think about next year.  They will not experience the snow.  I love West Michigan.  I love the beauty of all the season. So much we will miss.  I find myself cherishing each day, each season.

The holidays are approaching, in a few short weeks we will be enjoying a yummy Thanksgiving dinner,  hunting for the best Christmas tree, spending time with family, and celebrating Jesus. We are so blessed to have our family so close and enjoying time with them.  Next year....what will it look like?  I don't know, but I trust God that it will be good and wonderful but different, but that's OK.

Today we sent out our support letters.  What a relief to have that done.  If you have not received one and would like us to send you one please contact us at

Blessings to your family during the coming Holiday Season!

First snowfall of 2014-2015, so beautiful!

The boys were thrilled about the snowman they built.

Opening day of gun hunting.  Fun times! Although it doesn't look like it, Braden did have fun. He isn't much for his picture taken.